Ironically you win a copy of 'The Jesus Mysteries' by, believe it or not, Timothy Freak and the other guy. Well done!
what is your opinion of the book?
who am i describing here: .
- i am god made flesh, the saviour and the 'son of god' .
- my father is god and my mother is a mortal virgin.
Ironically you win a copy of 'The Jesus Mysteries' by, believe it or not, Timothy Freak and the other guy. Well done!
what is your opinion of the book?
Hand me a winning lotto ticket?
can you please help me wiht this?
i am searching for the post that was speaking about bible contradictions.
i wasn't able to find it on google and i know it is here somewhere.
"our almighty god"
Is that the Almighty with a capital G or without? Is it your (g)od or really our (G)od?
who am i describing here: .
- i am god made flesh, the saviour and the 'son of god' .
- my father is god and my mother is a mortal virgin.
Hello everybody
Who am I describing here:
- I am God made flesh, the Saviour and the 'Son of God'
- My father is God and my mother is a mortal Virgin.
- I was born in a humble cave on 25th December before three shephards
- These shephards came to me with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
- I offer my followers the chance to be born again through baptism.
- I turned water into wine at a marriage ceremony
- I rode into town on a donkey while people waved palm branches to honour me.
- I died at eastertime as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
- After my death, on the third day, I risen from the dead and ascended to heaven with glory
- My followers await my return as judge on the last day
- My death and resurrection are celebrated by a meal of bread and wine which symbolize my body and blood.
Who am I?
I am a legend, a mystery Godman who appeared in many forms under many names thousands of years before the birth of Jesus. Can any Christian explain to me why?
October is coming up - in the UK that means only one thing - district assembly. D'oh!
how stupid is this .... the police execute an innocent man going about his lawful business ... no charges.
someone exposes the information showing the police lied and covered up facts about the killing ... arrest her !!.
what a pathetic excuse for a justice system we have..
People always ask 'Why doesn't Blair listen?'. It's not his job to listen, it's his job to push forward an agenda! Met head boy Ian Blair is part of the same network of fascists which run this country. Did you hear on the few days after 7/7 he let slip that we will see 'order out of chaos'?.
would someone briefly help me understand the divide that exist between the great crowd and the remnant, 144,000 who go to heaven?
what scriptural backing does the society use to justify their position that they are the only ones who are able to enjoy a covenant relationship with jesus christ, where those of the " great crowd " are only granted a relationship through extension through the 144,000?.
i've been around the truth for a large portion of my life, never really knowing this was an issue.
Hahaha, GaryBuss, they really dont have a clue!!! Nice one.
would someone briefly help me understand the divide that exist between the great crowd and the remnant, 144,000 who go to heaven?
what scriptural backing does the society use to justify their position that they are the only ones who are able to enjoy a covenant relationship with jesus christ, where those of the " great crowd " are only granted a relationship through extension through the 144,000?.
i've been around the truth for a large portion of my life, never really knowing this was an issue.
Hahaha, GaryBuss, they really dont have a clue!!! Nice one.
i've been lurking for some time and now its time for me to say hello.
i want to call myself sam on here to avoid any repercussions, whatever they may be i have learnt to cover my back in this life from the experiences i now ask if i may relate.
i was born into a black working class household in england to a mother who had remarried after splitting up with her first husband in barbados.
What a friendly place. Thanks guys!
would someone briefly help me understand the divide that exist between the great crowd and the remnant, 144,000 who go to heaven?
what scriptural backing does the society use to justify their position that they are the only ones who are able to enjoy a covenant relationship with jesus christ, where those of the " great crowd " are only granted a relationship through extension through the 144,000?.
i've been around the truth for a large portion of my life, never really knowing this was an issue.
The Society points to Rev7:9, where it speaks of a 'great crowd' standing before the lamb. However, they insist that the term in the context 'standing before the lamb' is to be interpreted as standing on earth. The 144,000 however, stand before the lamb in heaven. They conveniently forget the fact that if we go to Rev19v1, we can see that the Great crowd stands in heaven.
They also insist that when Jesus Christ spoke of '" I have other sheep which are not of this fold…" (John 10:16). Apparently, Jesus was then addressing the 144000, which meant that he was referring to those of the earthly hope.
The Watchtower decided that 1935 was the cut off point, and anybody born after that date has an earthly hope. This is based on no scriptual fact whatsoever.